Education and Practice Partnerships in Nursing Education: The Capstone Experience in the RNBS Program at CSC
From Judith Langhans
From Judith Langhans
Bianca Fortier, MSN, RN, SCRN
Senior year is an exciting time for all Colby-Sawyer College (CSC) students, including registered nurses (RN) who are enrolled in a baccalaureate (BS) program. During the capstone experience, RNBS students work side-by-side with faculty, nurse mentors, and other interprofessional colleagues to address topics that are significant to nursing – and to health care in general.
Join us as we learn from several CSC RNBS students as they present their capstone projects: Janelle Black - Examining the Effects of Skin-to-Skin and the Initiation of Breastfeeding; Jennifer Brady - Protecting Healthcare Workers: Disruptive Behavior by Patients, Families, and Visitors; Michelle Dion - Developing an Education Tool for Registered Nurses Providing Burn Dressing Care for Patients in a Burn ICU; Terri Higgins - Improving Nursing Practice of Early Progressive Mobility for Surgical/Trauma/Neuro Intensive Care Patients; Melissa Jones - The Nurse’s Perception of Whether People Think Marijuana Use is Safe for the Developing Fetus/Infant While Pregnant and Breastfeeding; Kourtney Langevin - Indwelling Urinary Catheters: Implementing an Antimicrobial Solution; Mary Murray - Improving Birthing Pavilion Staff Morale; Joseph Sansom - Patient Identification and Labeling Laboratory Specimens.
Learning Outcome:
At the conclusion of the learning activity, (at least 75% of) participants will be able to discuss at least three unique experiences of undergraduate RNBS students in a practice-based clinical setting.
Claiming Credit:
To receive full credit for viewing a recorded accredited activity, the successful completion requirements are:
1. Go to the Online Activities page and select the presentation.
2. Review activity details.
3. Attend the entire session.
4. Register online to complete the attestation and evaluation form.